Hornet Events and Activities Team (HEAT)


Sign Up for HEAT

HEAT provides support to the ASI event and outreach team during events, programs, and promotion in order to engage with more students and reach a bigger audience. HEAT helps to support ASI events and programs such as Block Party, Thanksgiving Food Baskets, Election Kick Off, Feel Good Fundays and more! Get involved with HEAT by signing up for an event or program. Submissions will be emailed about upcoming opportunities, volunteer perks and our appreciation party!

Cap RAdio Garden Day - Volunteer Sign Ups

Join the ASI H.E.A.T and your fellow students for some hands on gardening on campus! Did you know that the Cap Radio Garden donates a few hundred pounds of food the ASI Food Pantry each year? You might have eaten an pepper that we grew here on campus! Come out and get a little dirty and meet the campus chickens. YES! I said chickens!

Friday,  March 14th, 12:00pm-3:00pm- Click Here
Thursday, April 3rd, 12:00pm-3:00pm- Click Here

Volunteer Tasks:
– Clearing garden beds
– Harvest Fall Produce
– Decorate Garden Markers
– Pruning/Trimming

Volunteer Perks
– ASI H.E.A.T Shirts
– Service Hours
– Meet the CapRadio Chickens

Food Pantry Volunteer Sign Ups

The ASI Food Pantry support students who face low food security and is fully funded by generous donations from the local food banks and powered by volunteers like you! You can also volunteer for Free Grocery Pop-Ups which happen twice a month all semester long. Food Pantry shifts are eligible for H.E.A.T points.