Parent’s Frequently Asked Questions


How Do I Enroll My Child?

The first step is to get on the waitlist. Please see our Enrollment page for waitlist information.

How Long is the Wait List?

There are many folks on the waitlist, but we enroll our openings by classroom, so the age of your child and your student/staff/faculty status is the more critical factor than the length of waitlist.

What Number am I on the Wait List?

Our waitlist isn’t numbered, we organize our list by date, but the age of your child and the openings in particular rooms determine placement.

I Heard that You Have to Get on the Wait List as Soon as You are Pregnant.

You can join the waitlist with an expected due date, but keep in mind that the baby must be 6 months of age to start care.

Will I Ever Get In?

Students always have priority for enrollment, but certain ages of children are more challenging to find openings for. We usually are able to enroll most students, but staff and faculty families are less likely to find an opening.

Is There Financial Aid to Pay for Child Care?

Yes, We have a contract with the California Department of Education to provide a subsidy for childcare fees. The waiting list is ranked based on your household size and gross monthly income.

Can I Tour the CC Before I Decide to Join the Wait List?

Yes, Regular tours are scheduled each month. Please look at the Tours & Observations page on for the next tour date.

Do I Have to be a Student to Enroll My Child in the CC?

Students, staff and faculty can pursue enrollment for their children, and student families have priority enrollment.

Are There Any Rules About Observing at the CC?

Yes, there are many! Please review our Guidelines for Observations on our website or come into the Children’s Center lobby and ask for a copy to read.