Internal Committees
Internal ASI committees take part in decisions that affect changes in ASI directly. Most internal committees focus on figuring out where ASI’s money should go through the yearly budget, scholarships and grants.
ASI Audit Committee
This committee shall recommend to the ASI Board of Directors the retention and termination of the independent auditor. The committee shall also review and adopt the annual audit findings.
ASI Executive Committee
Chair, ASI President Nataly Andrade Dominguez
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University Committees
University committees consist of students, faculty, staff, and/or administration, these groups deal with campus wide issues and make recommendations for the University regarding issues like academic policies, budget, sustainability and campus services.
Administration and Business Affairs
Diversity Awards
The Diversity Awards committee’s mission is to coordinate the implementation of various diversity award programs. In this capacity, its job is to develop guidelines for the programs, recommend participants or proposals, evaluate the program’s effectiveness, and make recommendations for change when necessary. The programs are as follows: the Probationary Faculty Development Awards, the Graduate Equity Fellowship, the Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program, and the Sally Casanova Pre-doctoral Program awards. This committee is looking for two (2) graduate students.
Instructionally Related Activities Committee
The IRA Advisory Committee hears budget presentations and recommends the allocation of projected resources to the President. This committee begins in mid-February.
Student Fee Advisory Committee
The SFAC is charged with the responsibility of reviewing and recommending to the President the establishment of new fees, increases/decreases in existing fees, or abolishment of fees. This committee meets based on member availability.
Transportation Advisory Committee
The University Transportation Advisory Committee is the principal campus body responsible for recommending to the President or his designee policy on all aspects of campus transportation. Based on member availability.
University Budget Advisory Committee
UBAC facilitates the development of a highly transparent, informative, and participatory campus general fund budgeting process.
University Sustainability Committee
This committee’s primary responsibilities include: assessing Sac State’s current practices in order to incorporate best available technologies into University sustainability efforts. It recommends new methods/techniques for incorporating sustainable practices into our operational activities, and building renovations.
University Enterprises, Inc.
Bookstore Advisory Committee
This committee serves as an advisory committee to the operations and services of the bookstore. Meetings based on member availability.