Student Government
ASI Board of Directors
As the elected student government of Sacramento State, the ASI Board of Directors includes five Executive Officers, a representative from each College, a representative for Undeclared Students, and a representative for Graduate Students. The University President or designee and University Chief Financial Officer or designee also serve as directors on the ASI Board.
Each spring semester, ASI Elections are held to elect officers who will serve as the student government for the following academic year. These elections determine key leadership positions, including: ASI President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of University Affairs and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Join a Committee
ASI offers students a great opportunity to be an integral part of the decision-making process at Sac State. Students have the chance to be appointed to committees and help to make a difference on the campus.
ASI Grants
ASI offers grant funding to support Sac State students clubs and organizations and on-campus programs that are dedicated to the common goal of serving the students and increasing the quality of campus life and learning.
ASI Scholarships
Each academic year, ASI awards several types of scholarships for both the fall and spring semesters. These scholarships are an excellent way for ASI to support students. With these scholarships, ASI has the opportunity to support students in need.
General Requirements
Although, each scholarship has its own requirements, the general criterias is:
Local, State, and Federal Advocacy
Office of Governmental Affairs
The Office of Governmental Affairs (OGA) provides advocacy support for Sacramento State students on behalf of the ASI Board of Directors.