University Committees


University committees consist of students, faculty, staff, and/or administration, these groups deal with campus wide issues and make recommendations for the University regarding issues like academic policies, budget, sustainability and campus services.

Administration and Business Affairs

Diversity Awards

The Diversity Awards committee’s mission is to coordinate the implementation of various diversity award programs. In this capacity, its job is to develop guidelines for the programs, recommend participants or proposals, evaluate the program’s effectiveness, and make recommendations for change when necessary. The programs are as follows: the Probationary Faculty Development Awards, the Graduate Equity Fellowship, the Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program, and the Sally Casanova Pre-doctoral Program awards. This committee is looking for two (2) graduate students.

Instructionally Related Activities Committee

The IRA Advisory Committee hears budget presentations and recommends the allocation of projected resources to the President.  This committee begins in mid-February.

Student Fee Advisory Committee

The SFAC is charged with the responsibility of reviewing and recommending to the President the establishment of new fees, increases/decreases in existing fees, or abolishment of fees.  This committee meets based on member availability.

Transportation Advisory Committee

The University Transportation Advisory Committee is the principal campus body responsible for recommending to the President or his designee policy on all aspects of campus transportation.  Based on member availability.

University Budget Advisory Committee

UBAC facilitates the development of a highly transparent, informative, and participatory campus general fund budgeting process.

University Sustainability Committee

This committee’s primary responsibilities include: assessing Sac State’s current practices in order to incorporate best available technologies into University sustainability efforts. It recommends new methods/techniques for incorporating sustainable practices into our operational activities, and building renovations.

University Enterprises, Inc.

Bookstore Advisory Committee

This committee serves as an advisory committee to the operations and services of the bookstore.  Meetings based on member availability.

President’s Office

Campus Educational Equity Committee

Educational equity refers to providing equality of education for all students. This committee reviews and provides recommendations on Educational Equity programs and activities within the University. It considers new directions and ways to improve the qualitative strength of Educational Equity efforts; and prepares an annual report on Educational Equity to address present conditions and accomplishments and focus on directions for the next and succeeding years.

Commencement Committee

The Commencement Committee plans the annual commencement ceremony and works volunteers to help with the event.

Committee on Administrative Review

The committee seeks to assist people who hold administrative positions to maintain or improve their effectiveness.

Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Council

The purpose of this committee is to provide guidance to the President of Sacramento State in developing, implementing, and evaluating policies that balance intercollegiate athletics with academic rigor and promote equity in the intercollegiate athletics program.

Student Affairs

Alcohol Advisory Committee

Alcohol Advisory Council encourages student health and wellness in an environment supportive of learning. It shall recommend policy and examine the following six areas as they pertain to alcohol and other drugs: Policies; Enforcement and Legal Issues; Education and Prevention Programs; Training, Intervention and Treatment; Assessment; & Resources.

Appellate Council

The committee has the jurisdiction to hear and rule on all decisions of the Election Complaint Committee should an appeal be filed.

Aquatic Center Advisory

The Committee will address the goals and general direction of the Aquatic Center. The Advisory Committee will provide oversight and review of the Associated Students’ management of the Aquatic Center.  Meets once a quarter based on member availability.

Institutional Scholarship Committee

Collaborative committee that makes decisions regarding the distribution of the Sac State Scholarships.

State Hornet Publications Board

The purpose of this committee is to outline the organization, structure, functions, and responsibilities of the State Hornet, a student-run newspaper serving California State University, Sacramento, and the relationship of the State Hornet to the campus.  The Publications Board will act as the publisher of the State Hornet. The chair of the Publication Board will be elected yearly from the board (with the exclusion of the State Hornet editor in chief) by the board.

Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)

The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is a group of students who advise the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Director of the Student Health Services on health-related issues and on how the Student Health Services function, provided services, operating procedures, and personnel selection.

Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Committee

The committee will serve the Provost of Academic Affairs in an advisory capacity on matters regarding the amount, structure, and distribution of the budget of the Office of Academic Affairs.

Academic Policies Committee

Academic Policies Committee is a standing policy committee of the Faculty Senate that is responsible for the development of policy and oversight of academic standards at California State University, Sacramento.

Committee on Diversity and Equity

Based on federal equal opportunity and affirmative action guidelines, the committee reviews, develops, and recommends to the Executive Committee revisions to existing goals, policies, and procedures in accordance with the University non-discrimination policies.

Council on the Preparation of School Personnel

The Council shall review all Subject Matter Programs and Professional Preparation Programs for compliance with the University’s academic policies and regulations and recommend, as appropriate, revisions of course work or programs in the Subject Matter and/or Professional Preparation Programs. The Council identifies and defines issues related to the effective implementation of Subject Matter and Professional Preparation Programs.

Curriculum Policies Committee

Is a standing policy committee of the Faculty Senate that is responsible for the development of policy and oversight of the curriculum for Graduate students, Undergraduate students, and Other Curriculum Policy Matters.

Faculty Policies Committee

Is a standing policy committee of the Faculty Senate that is responsible for the development and oversight of the policies and programs relating to faculty development and professional activities. The areas of responsibility include professional Development, Professional Standards, Diversity, Research and Creative Activities.

Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Standing Policy Committees recommend policy and the interpretation of policy to the Faculty Senate by way of the Executive Committee, and perform administrative functions as identified in their charge. Committee chairs are elected by the Faculty Senate and membership is filled from the Faculty Senate Annual Preference Poll.

General Education Policies and Graduation Requirement Policies Committee

It is a standing policy committee of the Faculty Senate that is responsible for the development of policy and oversight of the General Education Program and Graduation Requirements.

Grade Appeals Panel

Panel discusses grade appeals and works to determine the appropriate course of action for each presented appeal.

Graduate Studies Policies Committee

It is a standing policy committee of the Faculty Senate that is responsible for issues relating to graduate education, graduate curriculum, planning and research. Areas of attention include post-baccalaureate course offerings, degree programs, extension, admission and matriculation requirements, assistantships, fellowships, graduate student awards, grading, library services, and other matters related to post-baccalaureate and graduate instructional development and delivery.

University Disability Advocacy Committee

The committee seeks to increase the representation of persons with disabilities in its student enrollment and its employment of staff and faculty.

Information Resources and Technology

The IRT Steering Committee provides recommendations and advice to the Vice President and CIO (Steering Committee chair) on campus-wide information technology issues.  This committee is interested in student representatives who have an interest in student use of information technology for teaching and learning. Keep in mind that does not at all require someone with technical knowledge of information technology (e.g. does not require a computer science major or similar). The ideal candidate would be someone who regularly uses SacCT, campus computer labs, AIRC study areas, etc for their academic work.  Committee schedule is based on member availability.

University Union

University Union Budget and Finance

This committee is responsible for overseeing the financial matters of the University Union including financial policies, reserves, and budget.

University Union Advisory Committee

The University Union is a community center for the University, for all members of the University family students, faculty, administration, staff, alumni and guests.

WELL Advisory Committee

This committee will serve as an advising body to the WELL (A multi-use facility with multi-activity courts, weight and fitness rooms, climbing wall, indoor track and a new student health center).