
Forms and Policies


If you have any questions, please call the ASI Government Office at 916-278-6784.


ASI Elections Code
ASI Bylaws
ASI Operating Rules

Union WELL Inc. Posting Policies
Residence Hall Political Canvassing Policy                                                                       University Time, Manner & Place Policy                                                                                            

Campaigning – Begins March 22nd 7:00am

Campaigning may not begin prior to Friday, March 22, 2024, 7:00 am. Onset of campaigning is time specific! Campaigning may not occur prior to official onset of campaigning period! Please read and refer to the ASI Elections Code for details on definitions of campaigning.

Other policies and restrictions- find out if you don’t know!

  • Time, Place & Manner Restrictions on Speech-Related Activities (includes posting policies) have been updated in October 2016 and are enforced by Student Organizations & Leadership.
  • Locations where you may post.
  • Size and type of postings.
  • Restricted number of 4 X 4 boards which shall be placed a minimum of six (6) feet from the walkway (stakes in the ground are not permitted)
  • Residence Hall Political Canvassing Policy
  • Any campus policy and/or laws Candidates may not combine spending limits, may not purchase materials for use by multiple candidates, and there can only be one candidate per promotional item. Campaign materials must include candidate name or organization responsible for content. Endorsements must be registered with Elections Officer in advance. Once a candidate, please be constantly aware of where you are and what you are doing. Candidates are responsible for others who act on their behalf.
  • Must remove all campaign postings no later than 5 pm Sunday following close of elections. Failure to remove campaign materials by deadline may result in no less than $50.00 charge from Student Organizations & Leadership.

Campaign Spending Limits

  • A candidate running for ASI Board position shall be allowed to spend a maximum total of $350.00, and Presidential tickets shall be allowed to spend a maximum of $500.00. This total shall include all contributions, gifts, discounts and/or donations by individuals, businesses and/or organizations, including the candidate which shall not exceed $50.00 for Independent candidates and $75.00 for Presidential Ticket candidates.
  • Candidates may fundraise for expenses, but still have to report how money is used in your Campaign Expenditure Form. See donation limits.
  • Must report purchases, donations, in-kind and used items. Everything has a value!!

Expenditure Reports Article V. Part E

All independent candidates, Presidential Tickets, and Interested Student shall be required to turn in personally to the ASI Government Office, a Campaign Expenditure Form listing all their campaign expenses, regardless of the amount of money spent and/or even if no money is spent. One (1) Campaign Expenditure Form per recognized Presidential Ticket must be turned in personally by both members of said Presidential Ticket to the ASI Government Office. This form must be received by the ASI Government Office by 4:00 pm Pacific Time on the Monday following the elections. This statement must be time-stamped to be considered “turned in.” Failure to submit a Campaign Expenditure Form shall be a violation of the Elections Code and WILL result in disqualification.

Candidate Endorsement Letter

Independent Candidate Endorsement Form 2024

Presidential Ticket Endorsement Form 2024

In any given year, any individual directly involved with the planning and implementation of elections, (e.g. Elections Planning Group members), Elections Complaint Committee, Appellate Council shall be prohibited from individually endorsing any candidate running for office. Additionally, University ASI-funded programs, University departments and programs, college departments, faculty, staff and administration shall be prohibited from individually endorsing any candidate running for office. ASI Board members may not endorse any candidate other than themselves if they are candidate. For the purposes of this Section, endorse shall mean any showing of support for a particular candidate, whether verbal, written (electronically or in print), appearance at events, or in any other form.

Before an independent candidate, Presidential Ticket, or Interested Student can claim an endorsement from any individual or organization, they must turn in a wet signed Candidate Endorsement Letter on behalf of their endorser to the ASI Government Office no later than 12:00pm on the Friday before voting begins. No faxed or scanned copies of Endorsement forms shall be accepted. Independent candidates and Presidential Ticket members may request a copy of the list of their endorsements after the submission deadline.

Campaign Expenditure Form and Sample

Below you will find a sample Campaign Expenditure Form to use as an example, as well as the actual Campaign Expenditure Form you will use when filing your required Form. Please note that the Campaign Expenditure Form must be turned in even if nothing was spent or donated. The form must include:

  • Receipts of all items purchased or valued with name and phone number of seller.
  • All gifts, donations, and/or rental materials must have retail value as prescribed in Elections Code.
  • Expenditure Form must meet all prescribed information and requirements stated in Elections Code.

2024 Presidential Ticket Campaign Expenditure Form
2024 Independent Candidate Campaign Expenditure Form
SAMPLE Campaign Expenditure Form with donations

How to complete the Expenditure Report Video