Commonly Used Forms & Policies
Accounting Forms
- Club Deposit Sheet
- Memorandum of Agreement
- Purchase Order Request Form
- Request for Accounting Assistance (RFAA)
- W9 Form
IRA Grants and State Hornet
ASI has created an online form through JotForm to submit IRA (and State Hornet) Check Requests. Follow the link which will take you to the new form.
- Fill in the form and follow the prompts. Enter Department/Program Code according to your IRA Grant Allocation Form.
- Attach all necessary documents depending on type of request, i.e., travel, supplies, outside services, etc.
- Have approved/authorized signer from IRA MOU submit and sign request.
- Upon submission, request is sent to and receipt will be sent to submitter.
Clubs and Organizations – Club Accounting Form (CAF)
AFTER your club registration is approved by SO&L (Student Organizations and Leadership) and you plan to transact any money, you will need to fill out an ASI Club Accounting Form (CAF) in Adobe Sign. One approved officer will visit: Select ASI Club Accounting Form from the dropdown. Fill in all of the approved officers information as well as the clubs’ Faculty/Staff Advisor’s information. That will then prompt the email workflow in the following order: Treasurer > President > additional officers (if applicable) > F/S advisor > SO&L (this is the final reviewer; if the club was not already approved or there are errors, the form will have to be re-started completely so please be sure you match your approved registration) > last approval is ASI. Once the form is approved by ASI, your club will receive an email confirmation with the option to download a copy of the completed CAF Form.
Club Check Request
ASI has created an online form through JotForm to submit Club (and Club DOC) Check Requests. Follow the link which will take you to the new form.
- Fill in the form and follow the prompts.
- Attach all necessary documents depending on type of request, i.e., travel, supplies, outside services, etc.
- Have approved officer from CAF form submit and sign request.
- Upon submission, request is sent to and receipt will be sent to submitter.
Audited Financials, Tax Returns, and Budgets
Cash Boxes for Clubs
- To request a cash box for a club event, please email at least 24 hours prior to picking up the cash box.
- In the email, please include amount of cash you are requesting and how you would like the cash to be broken down- 1’s, 5’s, 10’s, etc.
- Cash boxes will not be given out the same day, no exceptions.