Election Appeals


General Information 

1. Appeals concerning an ASI Elections Complaint Committee outcome may only be filed by a Complainant or Defendant of the Elections Complaint process or a member of the Elections Complaint Committee

2. The appeal may only be filed against the Elections Complaint Committee which means the Committee will act as the defendant

3.  Election Appeals shall be filed via the online ASI Election Appeals Form. All appeals from actions of the Election Complaints Committee must be filed with the VPSA no later than the third academic day after the Committee issues its written decisions, and the decision has been made public by the ASI Executive Director

Filing Appeal(s)

All decisions of the Elections Complaint Committee may be appealed to the ASI Appellate Council via the online ASI Election Appeals Form. The Appeals Committee shall consist of the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) or designee, a faculty member appointed by the CSUS Faculty Senate, and three (3) students appointed by the ASI President, recommended by the ASI Board and approved by the VPSA. The VPSA will determine the eligibility of the student members. All decisions of the Election Complaints Committee are final unless appealed in accordance with ASI Elections Code Article XI.

All appeals from actions of the Election Complaints Committee must be filed with the VPSA no later than the third academic day after the Committee issues its written decisions, and the decision has been made public by the ASI Executive Director. All appeals must be submitted by the prescribed deadline via the ASI Election Appeals Form, please note that this will only be available after the Elections Complaint Committee has posted their decision and three days thereafter. Decisions of the Appellate Council are final and binding.

File appeals through the link below: 

2024 ASI Election Appeals Form

Members of the 2024 ASI Elections Appellate Council

Three (3) Student Members

  • Susan Juarez
  • Lindsey Schuh
  • Monica Fernandez

One (1) Faculty Member

  • Jason Pritchard

One (1) Student Affairs Designee

  • Matt Vincent 

Filed Election Appeals