Steps to Run

Mandatory Candidate Requirements


* These steps must be completed by 4:00PM on Friday, March 8, 2024.

Application For Candidacy

  • Candidate Application for ASI Presidential Ticket OR Candidate Application for ASI Independent Candidate.
  • Double check that the application is completed with all information prior to submitting. The “SUBMIT” button is on the top of the form. 
  • An important component of this application will be your candidate statement, which will appear on the ASI Election ballot and serve as a concise representation of your campaign platform.
  • In paragraph or two, you should describe your goals and qualification so voters can know what you are running for.
  • You cannot apply to more than one position per election cycle.
  • If you have any questions please call (916) 278-6784.
  • Mandatory Attendance at ONE (1) Candidate Workshop from the options below. Candidates can attend a workshop before or after submitting an application.

Mandatory Candidate Workshop

Candidates must attend one of the workshops as scheduled below* prior to the filing deadline of the Candidate Election Application, on Friday, March 8, 2024, at 4:00 PM. Candidates must attend the full workshop presentation, so arrive on time!

*Per Elections Code IV.C

  1. Candidate workshops are mandatory for all candidates prior to the deadline for filing Candidate Elections Packets;
  2. Failure to attend a mandatory workshop will result in ineligibility to run for office;
  3. If a candidate is unable to meet during scheduled times, the candidate may contact the Executive Director for special arrangements. Special arrangements are contingent on the Executive Director’s availability.
  4. Candidates will only be posted as eligible to campaign when the workshop is completed and all other requirements are met.

Must Attend One Presentation

Date Time Day Location
February 16, 2024 12:00pm Friday

Capital Room, University Union, 3rd Floor

February 20, 2024 9:00am Tuesday

Capital Room, University Union, 3rd Floor

February 21, 2024 5:00pm Wednesday

Pacific Suite I, University Union, 3rd Floor

Mandatory Ethics Workshop

The Assistant Dean and Student Conduct Director shall host a mandatory workshop for eligible candidates prior to the onset of the official campaign period. Candidates will only be posted as eligible to campaign when the workshop is completed and all other requirements are met. No campaigning of any kind will be permitted prior to posting of eligibility, and the onset of official campaign period.

Must Attend One Presentation

Date Time Day Location
March 15, 2023 4:00pm Wednesday

Elderberry & Beetle Conference Room located in Riverview Hall

March 16, 2023 11:00am Thursday

Elderberry & Beetle Conference Room located in Riverview Hall

Optional Candidate Events

These optional candidates events are great opportunities for candidates to share ideas and plans with the students of Sacramento State. This is your opportunity to present yourself to the voters; make sure you take advantage of these opportunities.

Date Event Location Time
Thurs., March 27, 2023 Campaigning Begins Various 7:00am
Thurs., March 28, 2023

Burritos & Ballots (Ballot Draw)

Global Lounge- University Library


Mon., April 3, 2023 College Director Candidate Forum: Arts & Letters, Business, Education

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID: 885 7842 5321

Passcode: 167769



Tues., April 4, 2023 College Director Candidate Forum: Engineering & Computer Science, Health & Human Services, Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID: 869 6487 2682

Passcode: 563149



Thurs., April 6, 2023 College Director Candidate Forum: Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies, Undeclared Students, Graduate Studies

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID: 826 4586 9600

Passcode: 382552



Mon., April 10, 2023 Candidate Forum: Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of University Affairs, Vice President of Finance

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID: 872 4401 7723

Passcode: 354710



Tues., April 11, 2023 Candidate Forum: Presidential Ticket

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID: 875 7453 7022

Passcode: 512425



Weds., April 12, 2023 ASI Elections Kickoff

Library Quad- Fountain Area

11:00am-1:00 pm


Thurs., April 13, 2023 Elections Results Party

Global Lounge- University Library



ASI Student Government Candidate Forums

During the Candidate Forums, candidates will have the opportunity to answer a few questions about the positions they are running for, describe their experience, and what they plan to do once in office if elected. Before you make any final decisions join us during the forums which will all take place in the University Union. All forum dates are detailed below.

Date Forum Location Time
Monday, April 3, 2023 College Director Candidate Forum: Arts & Letters, Business, Education

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID:

885 7842 5321

Passcode: 167769

12:00pm-1:00 pm


Tuesday, April 4, 2023 College Director Candidate Forum: Engineering & Computer Science, Health & Human Services, Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID:

869 6487 2682

Passcode: 563149

12:00pm-1:00 pm


Thurs., April 6, 2023 College Director Candidate Forum: Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies, Undeclared Students, Graduate Students

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID:

826 4586 9600

Passcode: 382552

12:00pm-1:00 pm


Monday, April 10, 2023 Candidate Forum: Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of University Affairs, Vice President of Finance

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID:

872 4401 7723

Passcode: 354710

12:00pm-1:00 pm


Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Candidate Forum: Presidential Ticket

Online Via ZOOM

Webinar ID:

875 7453 7022

Passcode: 512425

12:00pm-1:00 pm


Mandatory Campaign Expenditure Form

Form Location Date
2023 Presidential Ticket Campaign Expenditure Form (Must be turned in personally by both President & Executive Vice President, even if no expenses)

Must be personally submitted to the ASI Government Office (University Union, Room 3250) no later than Monday, April 17, 2023 at 4:00pm.

Monday, April 17 2023, 4:00pm
2023 Independent Candidate Campaign Expenditure Form (Must be turned in personally, even if no expenses)

Must be personally submitted to the ASI Government Office (University Union, Room 3250) no later than Monday, April 17, 2023 at 4:00pm.

Monday, April 17, 2023, 4:00pm

Election Complaint – If Filing

Requirements Location Date
Election Complaint Form Online in Hornet Hub (Presence) Thursday, April 20, 2023, 4:00pm

$25 deposit per filed complaint per Elections Code, Article IX, F

Please submit your deposit to the ASI Government Office (University Union Room 3250) no later than Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 4:00pm.

Thursday, April 20, 2023, 4:00pm