ASI Statement on Unionization Efforts


ASI Unionization Statement 3-4-25


Date: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
Author: ASI Executive Director, Hoan Nguyen
Subject: ASI Statement on Unionization Efforts

On behalf of Associated Students Inc.

 Associated Students of California State University, Sacramento (ASI) is not anti-union. It does not oppose the unionization effort by the California State University Employees Union (CSUEU). ASI is taking a neutral position and believes that its employees should have complete freedom to exercise their rights to unionize with CSUEU (or any other union) or not to, as they see fit. ASI will take all steps necessary to ensure that its employees (students and non-students) have the freedom to make an informed decision on unionization, free of improper coercion.

 ASI is aware that CSUEU is claiming that ASI disciplined an employee because of his alleged efforts to promote unionization in the workplace. This is simply not true. No employee has been disciplined and ASI would never discipline an employee in retaliation for lawfully exercising his or her right to promote or support unionization. Because this is an employee matter subject to an ongoing investigation, ASI cannot provide specifics. However, ASI can state that it has suspended an employee, pending investigation, because it received allegations from student employees that this employee was engaging in inappropriate and intimidating conduct toward them that would be a violation of ASI policy, if substantiated. Placing an employee, on investigatory suspension during the pendency of the investigation is standard practice for ASI, and for most employers. The investigation commenced last Friday and is ongoing. No findings have been reached at this point. This matter will be fully and fairly investigated.

 ASI is also aware that there have been allegations of discrimination and inappropriate conduct at the Children’s Center. Consistent with its policy and practice, ASI has retained an independent and experienced investigator to investigate the allegations. That investigation is commencing this week. ASI does not tolerate discrimination in the workplace and if the investigation reveals violations of ASI policy on discrimination or other policies, appropriate corrective action will be implemented. ASI recognizes its responsibilities to investigate allegations of employee misconduct brought to its attention by other employees.

Associated Students, Inc. Sacramento State is the recognized voice of Sacramento State students, enriching lives through experiential learning, student services, and leadership opportunities. The Associated Students, Inc., Board of Directors serves as the official governing body of Sacramento State students.

PDF File of Statement- ASI Statement on Unionization Efforts