Steps for Reimbursement



Steps To Get Reimbursed

Clubs with a current Club Accounting Form (CAF) on file with the ASI Accounting Services Office can submit reimbursements to

In order to get reimbursed, you are required to show evidence of the following supporting documentation requirements which correspond to your event/or purchase. 

  1. Only the President, Treasurer or like-officer (listed on the Club Agreement Form) may submit check requests for reimbursement. If the person who paid (payee) is one of the officers listed, the other officer would have to submit the check request. The payee will be the person who gets reimbursed. Submit one check request for each payee.
  2. The President, Treasurer or like-officer collects all original itemized receipt(s) and supporting documentation from the person(s) who paid. All receipts must list what was purchased and the amount paid. Receipts must be legible.  
  3. Submit an online check request form via Jotform. Follow the instructions on the form and select to use DOC funds. Each Check Request using DOC funds must include: Jotform check request form, itemized receipts, and any supporting documentation. You cannot exceed the total amount granted for the academic year. The President, Treasurer or like-officer should keep track of all the expenditures. ASI Accounting Services will also be keeping track of club balances and will assist where it is needed.
  4. If the Check Request is submitted by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, the check will be ready and mailed on Thursday of the following week. In collaboration with campus, no onsite pick-ups will be available, as operations have shifted remotely. Checks will be mailed to the address on the check request. Please email us with any questions

ASI DOC Supporting Documentation Requirements

  1. Receipts/Invoices: Scan and submit online check requests with related documentation via Jotform
  2. Check and Credit/Debit Card Purchases: ASI requires proof of payment on any items paid with check or credit/debit card(s) to prove that the person who made the payment is the person who is reimbursed.  For payments using credit/debit card, a bank statement and/or copy of the credit/debit card will need to be submitted. For security purposes, please provide proof of credit/debit card or bank statement showing ONLY the LAST 4 numbers and the individuals name on the card/statement. For payments made by check, a copy of the cashed check is needed.
  3. Additional Sales Tax:  Any items that were not charged applicable sales tax will be subject to 8.75% sales/use tax. The tax can be paid using DOC dollars if available or paid using the club/organization account (if the clubs is paying indicate this on the Check Request for).
  4. Contracted Services/Entertainment: This is the only category of spending that ASI pays the individual/entity directly. Contracted or outside services are individuals or entities that are not incorporated. You must have each individual/entity fill out and complete a Memorandum of Agreement and IRS W-9 Form and submit these original forms with your check request via Jotform. Only two entities on campus, The University Union and University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI), fall under Contracted Services. For payments to the University Union and UEI you do not need to fill out an MOA or a W-9, just the DOC Check Request form and invoice. The ASI Accounting Services Office will pay University Union or University Enterprises, Inc. DIRECTLY.
  5. Air/Bus Travel: Prior to traveling by plane or bus, (capacity over 15 passengers) you must turn in a completed University Travel Waiver form to the Vice President of Student Affairs office, Lassen Hall Room 3008.
  6.  Boarding Passes: Provide your original boarding passes as proof of travel.
  7. Conferences: Provide proof of attendance. (badge or conference materials)
  8.  Travel (Gas and Mileage Reimbursement and Car Rental Reimbursement): Mileage and gas expenses for a privately owned automobile will be reimbursed using the IRS federal business mileage rate. For reimbursement, submit a map showing total mileage traveled and indicate the names of the individuals traveling and documentation showing proof of purpose of travel (example: proof of conference attendance). Multiply the total mileage traveled by the IRS standard business rate. The current rate is .655 per mile. For example: 130 miles traveled x .655 = $85.15 reimbursement. For car rentals, provide gas receipts and proof of car rental statement. Mileage is based on from either Sac State or the traveler’s residence to the destination, whichever is less.
  9. Authorized Signers on The Check Request Form: The party signing the DOC check request must be an authorized signer on the Club Agreement Form.  The authorizing signature on the check request cannot be the same as the individual to be paid.  
  10. Can My Club Help Pay? If expenses exceed the total DOC funding, your club can pick up the difference. However, the President, Treasurer or like-officer must select the option on the online check request form when completing the check request via Jotform.

For more information regarding DOC and receiving your funding through the ASI Accounting Services Office, call: (916) 278-2231. Their email is