The Children’s Center operates a variety of classrooms for
children ages six months through Kindergarten. Learn more
about our classrooms here.
Infant Toddler Care
The Bambini classrooms begin care at the age of six
months and the configurations of rooms change as children
develop. Continuity of care is established by the lead teacher
either moving with the group of children to the next classroom,
or children and teacher staying for two years in the same
classroom. There are three Bambini classrooms.
Transition Program
The La Casita classrooms are designed for older toddlers who have
outgrown infant programs but are not yet ready for a preschool
classroom and the 1:8 adult to child ratio. Therefore, this
program has a 1:4 adult to child ratio. The children are 2
and 3 years of age. They are developing more independence
and given time to develop complex language skills, learn to
toilet with minimal assistance and how change their own
clothes. With time and assistance, they learn how to
navigate social interactions with their peers.
The Casas provide a rich learning environment for children ages 3
to Kindergarten. An integrated curriculum is presented through
the Project Approach based on children’s expressed interests each
semester. The outdoor play space is expansive and we try to
connect with the natural world as much as possible. There are
three Casa classrooms.
Please Note: Children attending Kindergarten may
enroll for hours before and after their Kindergarten session
(families are responsible for transportation to/from Elementary