2024 - 2025 Candidates

2024 Student Government Candidates


See all of the candidates and their platforms!

All Endorsements must be received by Friday, April 5 at noon (12PM).   Endorsements may be reviewed by students by coming to the ASI Government office, Room 3250 during regular business hours. Photo identification is required.

All Expenditure Reports will be available for students to review following the deadline of 4:00 PM on Monday, April 15 .  They may be reviewed by students coming to the ASI Government office, Room 3250 during regular business hours. Photo identification is required.

2024 Voter Booklet


Presidential Ticket

Nataly Andrade-Dominguez & Gabriel Conejo Gallegos

Position: President & Executive Vice President

Slogan: One Hive for All!

Instagram: @onehiveforall

Candidate Statement:

Hi Hornets! Our names are Nataly Andrade-Dominguez and Gabriel Conejo Gallegos, and we’re running for ASI President and Executive Vice President. We are running for reelection with energy and experience to serve every Hornet. As two underrepresented people of color coming from immigrant families, we understand the academic and social obstacles in our institutions that prevent us from succeeding. As first-generation students, we have experienced firsthand the struggles of navigating a system without guidance. Poverty, trauma, and discrimination plagued our childhoods but fueled our passion to serve our community and create positive change. Throughout our time here at Sac State, we’ve been involved in many different aspects of the campus as students and as members of the ASI Board of Directors, Honors Program, and Best Buddies. We are persistently pushing for further progress, building upon the changes we’ve already made. Our accomplishments during our tenure include: Lead advocate on establishing a Basic Needs Center, set to open in Fall 2024. Successfully advocated and secured more space for the ASI Food Pantry. Co-created the 10-point plan with President Wood to minimize the effects of the Tuition increase. Secured over $70,000 in donations for the ASI food pantry and other student organizations on campus. Creating a welcoming environment for all students including students with disabilities by being a part of Best Buddies. Fundraised over $1,000 in 8 days for the Out of the Darkness Walk, helping spread awareness and support for mental health initiatives on campus. We are committed to ensuring that the student voice is heard. We want to bridge the equity gap between the students, faculty, and administration. So together let’s fight against injustice and inequality on campus. We deserve a campus that is welcoming to all, not just a select few. We are not going to back down, so we hope to see all of you supporting us on election day. Hornets come from all around the globe, from all different stages of life, and from every background. Here’s to creating: One Hive for All!


Vice President of Finance

Wasim Hamdani

Position: Vice President of Finance

Slogan: Our Voice, United!

Instagram: @wasim4vpf

Candidate Statement: 

Hello Hornets! My name is Wasim Hamdani, and I am running to be our next ASI Vice President of Finance. As a third-year, low-income, transfer student, I developed a passion for helping our community in issues that most matter to us. As an SQE advocate, I fiercely fought against the 34% percent tuition increase that negatively impacts us! We rallied, we made our voices loud, and we demanded that those power listened to us. I will continue doing so as your next VPF. Second, I will prioritize that students receive as much support for ASI, a multi-million nonprofit, in increasing and expanding scholarships, advocating for stronger resources, and decreasing the food insecurity rate by advocating for the revitalization and expansion of the food pantry. No student should feel food insecure when our campus has the funds to put the food insecurity rates to zero. I’ll advocate for the creation of an emergency fund with immediate reimbursement for students who are facing extreme financial hardships. It’s time that our tuition money works for us! On April 10th and 11th, remember that we’re voting for smart spending, advocacy, and leadership!

Tinkal Ambaliya

Position: Vice President of Finance

Slogan: Let’s Soar Together!

Instagram: @tinkal4vpf

Candidate Statement: 

Hello, fellow Hornets! My name is Tinkal Ambaliya and I am running for Vice President of Finance. I am currently a sophomore majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems here at Sac State. My journey in student leadership has been incredibly rewarding, serving as the director of Undeclared Students and actively participating in key committees such as the Finance and Budget Committee. Through these roles, I’ve been intimately involved in approving numerous campus programs for student employment grants and overseeing budgets totaling $10 million over the year. This experience has not only equipped me with a deep understanding of financial management but has also instilled in me a profound commitment to student welfare. I am proud to have contributed to fostering a supportive environment for diverse communities on campus, including collaborating with CARES to ensure basic needs are met for our fellow students. As your Vice President of Finance, I will continue to advocate for transparency, accountability, and inclusivity, working tirelessly to address the financial needs of our student body. Having served on the board and being involved in student government, I genuinely believe I’m the perfect fit for this role. Your support on voting day April 10 and 11 would be greatly appreciated, please vote for me! As together, we can pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for all. Thank you, and let’s SOAR together.


Vice President of University Affairs

Armando Julian Perez

Position: Vice President of University Affairs

Slogan: Our Voice Our Campus

Instagram: @armando4vpua

Candidate Statement:

Hello there! I am Armando J. Perez, and I am running for the position of Vice President of University Affairs at Sacramento State. If elected, I will have the opportunity to amplify student voices and use them to enhance and improve the college experience for everyone. I have years of experience in student leadership, and I am passionate about advocating for others. I have been involved with ASI since my freshman year, and I currently serve as the California State Student Association Liaison on the ASI Board of Directors. As a representative for all students, I will ensure that all voices are heard and taken into consideration when making decisions. The VPUA is responsible for having student representation on all university committees, boards, and councils. Therefore, I will work hard to reach out to students from different backgrounds, clubs, and organizations to ensure diversity within the committees. Furthermore, I will work closely with the ASI Office of Governmental Affairs to stay up-to-date on issues that affect Sacramento State on all levels. This office is currently represented only by me, and I am well-equipped to stay connected. I urge you to vote for me on April 10th and 11th as I am the most qualified candidate for the position of Vice President of University Affairs. Your vote will make a difference, and together, we can better our campus. This is Your Voice, Our Campus. Thank you!

Sabrina Charleston

Position: Vice President of University Affairs

Slogan: Empower Your Voices

Instagram: @sabrinaforvpua

Candidate Statement: 

My name is Sabrina Charleston, and I am running for ASI Vice President of University Affairs. With a deep commitment to diversity and inclusivity, I stand ready to serve as a passionate advocate for every student’s voice. As Vice President of External Affairs & Treasurer for the Black Student Union (BSU), I’ve tirelessly amplified marginalized voices and advocated for underrepresented students, spearheading initiatives for diversity, equity, and inclusion through events, discussions, and collaborations. Additionally, as MLK Student Leader at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, I’ve honored Dr. King’s legacy by promoting social justice, community engagement, and civil rights activism, inspiring students through workshops and service projects. Moreover, my roles in the Cooper Woodson College Enhancement Program, as Mentor Lead, Recruitment Lead, and Community Liaison, have enabled me to mentor diverse incoming students, fostering belonging and empowerment within our university community. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+, Latinx, and Black communities, and as a woman, I understand the importance of representation and the power of diverse perspectives. My experiences within these communities have shaped my dedication to fostering an inclusive campus environment where every student feels valued and heard. I am committed to amplifying underrepresented voices, advancing social justice, and creating a more inclusive campus environment where every student feels valued, heard, and supported.


Vice President of Academic Affairs

Jenn Galinato

Position: Vice President of Academic Affairs

Slogan: Students Lead First!

Instagram: @jennygforvpaa

X: @jenngaLEADs

Candidate Statement: 

Hey Hornets, my name is Jenn Galinato and I’m running to be your next Vice President of Academic Affairs! I’ve served on several ASI’s internal committees and am involved in clubs, such as MUN, that Sac State has to offer since transferring here. As your VPAA, I will passionately represent students on the matters that are impacting students of today, tomorrow, and in the future by ensuring our approach is student-led and student-first. The CSU tuition hike has presented profound challenges for our students, needing immediate action. As your VPAA, I will prioritize: empowering current student resources (such as increasing student awareness focused on basic needs and mental health services), continued implementation of DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility) within the curriculum to strengthen the relationship between communities and student demographic populations, strengthening transfer and first-year student experiences, revisiting strategies to improve student enrollment and retention while reviewing graduation and transfer rates, continued collaboration and partnership with the VPUA for student engagement and stakeholder responsiveness, and ensure that the Board of Directors are aware of all matters in our classrooms to take actions that are necessary to ensure the success of all 32,000 students at Sac State. I will empower and inspire our students within my role upon being elected to see them succeed. On April 10th and 11th, put your vote in for Jenny G for VPAA at the polls because STUDENTS LEAD FIRST!


Director of Arts and Letters

Djuan McCraney

Position: Director of Arts & Letters

Slogan: Vote for D.J.U.A.N.

Instagram: @djuan4directora3l

Buzly: Djuan4Director

Candidate Statement:

Hello! My name is Djuan McCraney, a third year film major who is running to be your next College of Arts and Letters Director. I have been involved on campus since I started in-person during my sophomore year, joining Black Student Union and the Collegiate 100. Not only am I still an active member within these clubs and organizations, I now serve on the board as the activities coordinator for BSU as well as joined the Allied Students for Justice. These three entities are aimed to elevate the student experience here at Sacramento State and that will be my main goal as your director. Being a multifaceted individual I see myself aligning with what the College of Arts and Letters embodies; diverse thought, creativity, and open-mindedness thus, I stand strong in my ability to not only be your representative but a representative of quality. Admittingly, I wasn’t aware that there was an Arts and Letters student representative until this spring and was surprised this was a shared notion. So, my first goal if I am elected is to bring attention to the fact that students do have a voice and ability to make change on campus for our college. From there I ensure we will collaboratively work together to address the issues each program is facing no matter how big or small. So vote for diversity, justice, unity, action, and nobility (D.J.U.A.N.) on April 10th and 11th.


Director of Business

Hafsa Abrahemkhel

Position: Director of Business

Slogan: Your Voice Matters.

Instagram: @SacStateASIBus

Candidate Statement:

Dear College of Business Students, My name is Hafsa Abrahemkhel, and I am excited to be your candidate for the ASI Director of the College of Business. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to represent you, advocate for your needs, and work collaboratively to enhance our academic journey within the College of Business. As a student myself, I will work tirelessly to ensure your concerns, ideas, and feedback are not only heard but also acted upon. I am not just seeking your votes; I am seeking a partnership with each one of you. Vote for a student leader who is committed to supporting a dynamic, collaborative, and inclusive academic environment at the College of Business. Thank you for considering me as your advocate and representative.


Director of Education

Faith Vodak

Position: Director of Education

Slogan: Help see the Vision

Instagram: @lyricv28

Candidate Statement: 

My name is Faith Vodak, and I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the position of Director of Education. As a dedicated teacher for the last four years and an active member of Sac State’s Students with Disabilities Center, I bring a unique perspective and commitment to this role. Being blind has not hindered my dedication to learning about campus resources and engaging with my fellow students. Through my teaching experience, I’ve developed strong skills in effective communication, teamwork, and strategic planning. If elected, I will leverage these strengths to ensure that students and staff receive the support and tools necessary for educational success. My goal is to cultivate a collaborative environment where everyone’s concerns and aspirations are heard. In my role as Director of Education, I will invest my time in implementing positive change by collaborating with students, faculty, and staff. Let’s work together to shape the future of education at Sac State.


Director of Engineering and Computer Science

Ivan Yevchenko

Position: Director of Engineering and Computer Science

Slogan: Get It Done

Instagram: @TBA

Candidate Statement: 

I believe that you deserve to have a great college experience. As a Civil Engineering major and an owner of a small local business, I bring the unique skills and experience necessary to excel in this role. My leadership philosophy is to use a broad instead of a narrow approach to problem solving. Vote for me as a Director of Engineering & Computer Sciences.

Henna Batool

Position: Director of Engineering and Computer Science

Slogan: Lead with Logic

Instagram: @vote_henna

Candidate Statement: 

My name is Henna Batool Sandhu and I am running for Director of Engineering and Computer Science. With my background as Student Body President and Director of Student Affairs at Woodland Community College, I have honed the proper skills needed to fulfill this role. I also served as a delegate on the Student Council of California Community Colleges and advocated for my student body at the state level. Through my leadership roles, I acquired knowledge of the inner workings of academia and how to properly work with admin to supply what my community needs. If given the opportunity, I would love to apply my passion for leadership and help open doors for my fellow Students of Engineering and Computer Science. As a computer science transfer student, I’ve had trouble adjusting to my new campus, finding internships, dealing with difficult courses, getting into classes, and so much more. These are all issues that have a solution, as your leader I will work to provide mentoring to new computer science students, increase exposure for internship and employment opportunities, and work with admin to make scheduling easier. Pursuing an ECS degree is incredibly difficult and I applaud you for how far you’ve gotten, but as your Director I aim to alleviate some of that burden. Make your voice heard! Vote Henna Sandhu for Director of Engineering and Computer Science.

Akhil Kalyankar

Position: Director of Engineering and Computer Science

Slogan: Building Our Victory

Instagram: @akhil.kalyankar

Candidate Statement: 

My name is Akhil Kalyankar, and I am excited to announce that I am running to be your next ASI Director of ECS. As a student advocate for social justice, I have been actively involved in organizing cultural events that celebrate our diversity and promote inclusivity. If elected, I will focus on four key areas that I believe are crucial for the success and well-being of ECS students: Firstly, I am committed to creating more opportunities for ECS students to thrive academically, professionally, and personally. This includes advocating for increased internship and research opportunities, as well as fostering connections with industry leaders to help you succeed beyond the classroom. Secondly, I understand the financial challenges many of us face. I will vehemently oppose the 34% tuition hike that burdens our low income students and is a money grab by CSU executives and elites. Thirdly, international students bring invaluable perspectives and experiences to our campus. I will be a strong advocate for our international students, whether it’s navigating visa issues with the University, providing support services, or promoting cultural exchange programs. Lastly, mental health is a critical issue that affects many students. I will work to expand mental health resources on campus, advocate to expand our counseling services, support groups, and workshops to ensure that ECS students have the tools and support they need to thrive. April 10th and 11th, let’s vote for a stronger, more inclusive, and supportive ECS!


Director of Natural Sciences and Mathematics


Position: Director of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Slogan: Empower STEM Minds!

Instagram: @noorofyoursky

Candidate Statement: 

Hello Hornets, I am Arshnoor (Noor), and I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Director of NSM (Natural Sciences and Mathematics). Over the past years, I have been deeply involved in campus activities, particularly within the realms of networking and mental health advocacy. Networking is the backbone of any successful academic and professional journey. As Director of NSM, I am dedicated to enhancing networking opportunities within our community. By fostering these connections, we can empower each other to achieve our academic and career goals. Additionally, mental health is a critical issue that deserves our attention. As a student body, we must prioritize mental wellness and provide resources and support to those in need. As Director of NSM, I will work tirelessly to advocate for mental health awareness and support initiatives. I believe that by destigmatizing mental health struggles and promoting open dialogue, we can create a campus culture that prioritizes well-being and supports the holistic development of all students. I am committed to ensuring that the voices of NSM students are heard and represented in all decision-making processes. On 10th and 11th April of 2024, I urge you to exercise your right to vote. I humbly ask for your support and trust in me as the most qualified candidate for the position of Director of NSM. Together, let us work towards a stronger, more connected, and mentally resilient NSM community.

Zainab Ghani

Position: Director of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Slogan: ur voice, our vision

Instagram: @votezainab4nsm

Candidate Statement: 

My name is Zainab Ghani and I am running for re-election as the ASI Director of Natural Sciences and Math. As the current ASI Director of NSM, I’ve learned about this role and the operations of ASI inside and out and have had the privilege of making significant changes in the College of NSM that I will build upon if re-elected. Coming into this role, my goal was to bridge the gap between students, admin, and ASI. I have met with the Dean of NSM on a monthly basis to discuss areas of improvement to enhance the experience of every NSM student. Some accomplishments that came out of this partnership have been getting the NSM Joint Council running again and connecting NSM clubs to resources and events where they can reach students. Two of these events were the recent NSM Fest and the Joint Council Kick-Off. In addition to my work within NSM, I also excelled as an ASI board member. I had the opportunity to experience our board meeting procedures and complete the duties in my operating rules, advocating for various efforts around expanding resources to student parents and diversifying food options in the ASI Food Pantry. I also currently serve as the VP of MAPS which provides resources for aspiring MD’s. I have spent the past year building meaningful relationships with staff and admin in NSM, which is important when in this role. Being re-elected would allow me to jump right back in and continue to serve you the way you deserve! This April 10th and 11th, vote Zainab Ghani for your NSM Director! Your Voice, Our Vision!

Lizbeth Rodriguez

Position: Director of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Slogan: ¡Juntos ganamos!

Instagram: @lizbeth4nsm

Candidate Statement: 

My name is Lizbeth Rodriguez, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Director of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. As a passionate student advocate, I understand the importance of standing up for the issues that matter most to us. Throughout my involvement, I’ve delved deep into understanding the unique challenges faced by students, particularly dreamers and undocu students. It’s crucial that we stand together to support every member of our community. If elected as Director, I will prioritize providing students in our college with invaluable internships and career opportunities. I plan to forge strong partnerships with organizations within Sac State’s Scientific and Mathematical Communities, extending our reach from Sacramento all the way down the state. Additionally, I am committed to advocating for our low-income communities, who are among Sac State’s most vulnerable populations. Being a low-income student myself, I know firsthand the importance of a university that prioritizes the needs of its students above all else. I am excited about the opportunity to serve as your ASI Director of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and to work alongside you to make our college and university a better place for everyone. With your support, we can pave the way for a brighter future for every student. Thank you for considering me, and together, let’s make a difference.


Director of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies

Colin Kemp

Position: Director of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies

Slogan: A Leader that Works

Candidate Statement: 

Hello, my name is Colin Kemp, and I’m running for the Director of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies. I’m currently a junior at Sacramento State and am a member of the College Democrats and Ski and Snow Clubs. I also serve as an Economic Development and Housing Commissioner for my hometown of West Sacramento, and work as a Legislative Intern at the CA State Capitol. As an intern, I’ve assisted with a bond proposal that exceeds $15.6 billion. As a Commissioner, I’ve made decisions on everything ranging from the building of new apartment units to the approval of funds for new sidewalks. Right now, it is apparent that Sac State needs a new direction in its student government. My plans, if elected, are simple. We need to divest from the student leaders, including me, and start awarding more money to the clubs and organizations that make our campus great. This means that I would work to cap ASI Director Scholarships and re-invest that money into our clubs, with the creation of a special fund for Greek Life and Sport Clubs. I would also work on improving lighting and adding cameras across our campus to provide a safer environment for students and faculty. I will also work on establishing accountability for ASI and Student Leadership and creating better information systems for you, which has been sorely lacking. If you want an experienced leader who knows how to get things done, vote for me this April 10th through 11th.


Director of Graduate Studies

Hisham Hussain

Position: Director of Graduate Studies

Slogan: No one left behind!

Candidate Statement: 

I stand with the downtrodden, the oppressed, the defeated, the weary student. And I can boldly say in front of all 31,000 -odd people that your miseries are my miseries… and my voice. Hi Fellow Hornets! My name is Hisham and I am running for Director of Graduate Studies. I am a MS In Computer Science student at CSUS. As a grad student, I deeply understand the sacrifices we all make in the name of higher education. Every step of this journey, from challenging class registrations, securing project guide to seeking institutional support, has been a path I’ve trod myself. I’ve experienced firsthand the highs and lows of this demanding yet rewarding pursuit. Last year I have advocated for better policies for our grad students, like increasing availability of classes offered, lowering tuition, reducing eligibility barriers for scholarships, fairer grade appeals, policies for removing the hurdles for early graduation, I want everyone to have a seat at the table, a voice in the chaos. I believe we have a common goal, better conditions for students. I will work to ensure that student voices are heard & that our concerns are represented at all levels of the university. This is about us, what we can do together to set policies in a way that serves students better. I ask for your trust and support to negotiate, fight and work on your behalf. So, I ask you today, to stand with me, to work with me, and to fight alongside me. Let’s make CSUS a place where students thrive, a place where you can pursue your dreams and reach full potential.

Rosa Colin Vasquez (WITHDRAWN ON 3.26.24)

Position: Director of Graduate Studies

Slogan: Your Voice Matters!

Candidate Statement: 

Hi Hornets! My name is Rosa Colin Vasquez and I am running for Director of Graduate Studies. I served on the ASI Board of Directors for the 2023-2024 school year and during that time I learned so much about ASI’s amazing programs and how they positively benefit our students. I learned how to be a productive and collaborative Board Member. I am fully committed to serving you all and making sure you feel like your voice matters, because it does! I am a first generation transfer student and I understand the struggles students are facing. I am passionate about leadership and campus involvement and want to help guide anyone who needs a helping hand.